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Pra Kring Klong Takian Pim Yai - Nuea Din Pasom Pong Bai Lan 2485 BE - Luang Por Plern Wat Nong Mai Luang
The Pra Kring Klong Takian is a Master Class Ancient Amulet famous for its Powerful Maha Ud Magic, and is an extremely rare to find. It enjoys public certainty of the fact that its Magic powers are authentic, due to the many documented cases of miraculous events having occurred with devotees, who have owned and worn the Pra Kring Klong Takian of Luang Por Plern.
Luang Por Plern was a Master Gaeji Ajarn Guru Monk wo was extremely famous and revered by the people of Paetchburi Province, and the 'Nak Leng' (Hoods and Gunmen) respected him for his Maha Ud Gunstopper magic more than anybody.
His amulets were famous for their ability to stop the bullets of a gun, and his ability to manipulate things with his Magic Spells was legendary areound the whole country. The Pra Kring Klong Takian of Luang Por Plern can be used for Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan Chadtri, and Maha Ud protection.
The amulets of Luang Por Plern are highly revered, collected and sought after by high-end amulet collectors around the whole country. His most rare, sought after (and expensive) amulet, is the first edition 'Rian Run Raek' 2495 BE Monk Coin amulet which already runs at many thousands of dollars, even reaching over ten thousand dollars for exemplary models.
Luang Por Plern began to first make amulets around the year 2485 BE, ten years before his famous and priceless first edition coin.
His first amulets were mostly Pra Somdej and the Pra Kring Klong Takian amulet, which is now also becoming ever more impossible to find, due to the fact that the local people of Paetchburi are not prone to sell their amulets from this great master. Those who do have one tend to stay quiet about it, and do not sell them or show them around. It is only very rarely that one is sometimes seen in circulation in the showroom of an Esteemed Ancient Amulet Emporium, and otherwise, one can consider the Pra Kring Klong Takian to be a very difficult amulet to obtain in one's possession.
The People of Petchburi have many famous stories of Miraculous lifesaving incidents arising from Devotees who wore the Pra Kring Klong Takian, and other Amulets of Luang Por Plern.
Stories ranging from Eavasion of Inevitably Deadly accidents, to the Bulletproof Maha Ud Gunstopper Miracle occurring are manyfold, wich in Paetchburi was an essential form of protection to have, being known as the 'Mueang Du' (City of the Angry) or 'Mueang Nak Leng' (City of the Gunmen).
It was a comonplace saying that any true Gunwielding Pistolero of Paetchburi should have to wear the Pra Kring Klong Takian of Luang Por Plern, and this was indeed seen to be truly worn by most of the Historical Gunmen of Fame. It was said by them, that the Pra Kring Klong Takian caused guns to refuse to fire, and swords and daggers to refuse to draw blood.
Because we guarantee delivery or money back/replacement, and Guarantee Authentic with real Blessings with all our amulets. Postage is Free Worldwide for all orders amounting to under 300 grams (60 grams for USA and Canada). We give Gifts with all orders large or small. Buying is Easy with our Secure Payment Gateway using Debit, Credit Card or Paypal, with customer protection built in by Paypal. Guaranteed Satisfaction with our 'You Can't Lose' policy, where we guarantee you that your item will be delivered, or if not, we replace or refund you. It is impossible to lose when you choose Us as your trusted supplier of Thai Buddhist Amulets and Occult Charms.
Good Service, only authentic amulets, and very Generous to customers, who always receive a nice gfift with every order! highly appreciated. Ajarn Spencer's knowledge induces great trust in the authenticity of the amulets in store
Ajarn Spencer
Author and Mystic
Ancient Amulet is Owned by Thai Buddhism and Occult Author, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood, who Guarantees Our Service with His Name. If there is one thing for which Ajarn Spenceris publicly known for, it is his Honesty, and his liking to Practice Generosity, which is one of the reasons Ancient Amulet has a rule that all customers receive minimum one free gift (amulet) of value with every order.
Online Only 24/7/365 Based in Krabi Thailand.
12:00 am - 12:am