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The Look Om of Luang Por Plord (2837 BE 2492 BE), of Wat Pak Tale, is most famously revered for its Metta Sanaeh properties, and protective Magic within the household, especially its ability to prevent fires in the home, and fend off burglars and ill wishers. Luang Por Plod was a Geji Ajarn of Ancient Times, born in 2837 BE, and Ordained into the Sangha in the year 2436 BE, until his passing in 2492 BE. Free Shipping is included as usual with our service.
Luang Por Plord was handed the abbothood of Wat Pak Tale from the previous abbot, and his Mentor Luang Por Gaew, when Luang Por Gaew was appointed to go become abbot of Wat Kruea Wan. Lpo Gaew was previously the abbot of Wat Pak Tale, and later moved to Wat Kruea Wan, hence passing on the care of Wat Pak Tale to Luang Por Plord.
Mostly his Look Om were made with 'Hoo' ears (pendant hoops) attached, with cord wrapping. Some would be first handed out with cord and then lacquered, and sometimes pasted with gold leaf, whereas others were left in bare cord without lacquer.
Luang Por Plord was a Great Petchburi Master froom Ban Hlaem, who was a first apprentice in Wicha to the Great Luang Por Gaew of Wat Pak Tale (then called Wat Kruea Wan). The Look Om of Luang Por Plord of Wat Pak Tale, are quite large in size, compared to many other Samnak / Lineage styles. He would still make the three usual sizes of Lek (small), Klang (medium), and Yai (large, sometimes up to the size of a 10 Baht coin).
The main ingredient of the admixture for the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of the Look Om used the Muan Sarn of Luang Por Gaew (Wat Pak Tale/Kruea Wan), which was of course exactly the same Muan Sarn Sacred Powders used in the making of Luang Por Gaew's famous Pra Pid Ta amulets, some of which have been seen to fetch up to ten Million Baht (300,000$ US Circa) in cases of some competition prize-winning amulets.
Luang Por Plord would take the pure powders which he has received (inherited) from Luang Por Gaew, and add Wan Ya Magical Herbal Ingredients with Healing and Protective Powers, and Seductive Influence, which also came from the Dtamra Sorcery Grimoire of Luang Por Gaew's Lineage.
The Look Om is said to be 'Krob Jakrawal' (Universal Blessings' with Luck Bringing, Seductive, protective, and Evasive Powers all rolled into one powerful Sacred Powder Ball.
The Look Om is extremely famous for Maha Sanaeh Power of Attraction of customers, lovers, money, admirers, just as the immortal Pra Pid Ta of Luang Por Gaew Himself. Devotees like to keep the Look Om in a Prayer receptacle at home to prevent house fires and burglars, as well as to wear it for protection and lucky fortunes.
The Look Om Pong Luang Por Gaew Luang Por Plord Wat Pak Tale is perhaps the most popular alternative for devotees who cannot afford the Pra Pid Ta Luang Por Gaew, but who seek the powerful magic of his blessed Muan Sarn Sacred Powders, and empowerment of the Master Lineage of his First Apprentice and Wicha Inheritance Master, Luang Por Plord, of Wat Pak Tale (Wat Kruea Wan).
Below; Video Examination of the Look Om Amulet of Luang Por Plord Wat Pak Tale, Narrated by Thai Amulet Expert and Buddha Magic Author Ajarn Spencer Littlewood, with his own special insights, to lead you deeper into the world of Thai Buddhist Amulets of the Pra Niyom preferred high end category, and help you immerse yourselves in the depths and fascinating details of the art of perusal of authentic ancient amulets of the great masters of olden days.
Because we guarantee delivery or money back/replacement, and Guarantee Authentic with real Blessings with all our amulets. Postage is Free Worldwide for all orders amounting to under 300 grams (60 grams for USA and Canada). We give Gifts with all orders large or small. Buying is Easy with our Secure Payment Gateway using Debit, Credit Card or Paypal, with customer protection built in by Paypal. Guaranteed Satisfaction with our 'You Can't Lose' policy, where we guarantee you that your item will be delivered, or if not, we replace or refund you. It is impossible to lose when you choose Us as your trusted supplier of Thai Buddhist Amulets and Occult Charms.
Good Service, only authentic amulets, and very Generous to customers, who always receive a nice gfift with every order! highly appreciated. Ajarn Spencer's knowledge induces great trust in the authenticity of the amulets in store
Ajarn Spencer
Author and Mystic
Ancient Amulet is Owned by Thai Buddhism and Occult Author, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood, who Guarantees Our Service with His Name. If there is one thing for which Ajarn Spenceris publicly known for, it is his Honesty, and his liking to Practice Generosity, which is one of the reasons Ancient Amulet has a rule that all customers receive minimum one free gift (amulet) of value with every order.
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12:00 am - 12:am