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The legendary Look Om Maha Sanaeh Nuea Tao Pong Ittijae, of Supannburi Master Monk Luang Por Sanguan, of Wat Phai Pan Mer. The Look Om og LP Sanguan is universally accepted and renowned, for its Maha Sanaeh, and Metta Maha Niyom power. So much in fact, that it gained the nickname of 'Look Plaek Mae', which means 'Makes Son and Mother do not recognizer each other'. This of course is a folk nickname, and is slighly rude, but insinuates that the power of the Look Om Tao, was able to improve even the most unlikely of chances, of charming a person who would otherwise not be interested in you.
It is known that Luang Por would always rely strongly on his Pong Ittijae powders, created over a lifetime of practice, to ensure the power within his amulets. This was because he had developed a special affinity with the empowerment of Pong Ittijae. Every time he would release amulets, he would make Look Om sacred powder balls from the Pong Ittijae surplus. Apart from Pong Ittijae, he is also known to have included Rae Saket Daw (meteorite flakes), sacred earths from Wat Ban Krang, and sacred relic minerals found at the temple of Wat Phai Pan Mer.
Below; Close up of the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders within the Look Om Maha Sanaeh Nuea Tao
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Good Service, only authentic amulets, and very Generous to customers, who always receive a nice gfift with every order! highly appreciated. Ajarn Spencer's knowledge induces great trust in the authenticity of the amulets in store
Ajarn Spencer
Author and Mystic
Ancient Amulet is Owned by Thai Buddhism and Occult Author, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood, who Guarantees Our Service with His Name. If there is one thing for which Ajarn Spenceris publicly known for, it is his Honesty, and his liking to Practice Generosity, which is one of the reasons Ancient Amulet has a rule that all customers receive minimum one free gift (amulet) of value with every order.
Online Only 24/7/365 Based in Krabi Thailand.
12:00 am - 12:am